Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Actor and the Housewife

Oh I absolutely loved this book by Shannon Hale! It's the first I've read from her, although I've heard many many glowing recommendations. You can bet I'm going to beg, borrow, and steal the rest of her stuff as soon as I can, though. This book was entertaining, enjoyable, real, and uplifting. I laughed, cried, and almost peed my pants laughing at some of the pregnancy/kid humor. It was fun to imagine myself in the same situations since Becky Jack's life was so close to my own (minus the writer bit- I'm no writer!) So read it- it's quick moving and wonderful. Only glowing recommendations on this one, really.

Monday, March 22, 2010

These Is My Words

A couple years ago These Is My Words was the Arizona book of the year. The program was designed to encourage everyone in the state to read the same book so you could learn a little more about the state and have something in common with your neighbors (I think). My mom had told me to read it long before but I hadn't yet, but after attending a reading and book signing by the author, Nancy Turner, I jumped right in.

This book is inspiring, entertaining, and based on a true story. It's wonderful (so are the sequels, though of course I loved this one the best!) I loved watching the character learn and grow and truly felt inspired by her strength and hard work in every situation.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Read and Share- the Story of Easter by Gwen Ellis

I just received a complimentary copy of Gwen Ellis' Read and Share- the Story of Easter from BookSneeze to review. I signed up for this particular book because it looked appropriate for my three year old son and I've wanted to teach him the really meaning of Easter and Jesus Christ's ministry. This book is illustrated by Steve Smallman and has nice, age appropriate pictures. The writing is very easy to follow and understand- I think it would be appropriate for preschool through elementary age children. My son also liked the DVD with so many great bible stories, but I preferred reading it to him so we had a chance to talk about the beautiful message. My favorite part of this book was the "you can retell the story" pictures at the end of the book. My son loved telling me what happened and I loved seeing how much he had learned. This book was a great and I look forward to reading it again and again with my children.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Here Be Dragons

This is the best book I've read since I graduated from college. It's probably one of my favorite books I've ever read, actually. It's engaging, exciting, romantic, and *gasp* educational. Set in England and Wales during the rein of King John, Sharon Kay Penman will make you fall in love with Llewelyn in a heart beat. Really, I read this while I was pregnant and honestly tried to convince my husband we should name our son Llewelyn. He just thought I was crazy pregnant but if we actually had any Welsh ancestry I think my son might have it for a middle name at least! As it it we did give both of our kids good British names that I grew to love after reading her books. Read it now. Really.